Six Helen Hayes Nomination, Helen Hayes Award for Outstanding Production, Helen Hayes Award for Best Director
Playwright: William Shakespeare. Scenic Design: Daniel Conway. Costume Design: Devon Painter. Lighting Design: John Hoey. Sound Design: Neil McFadden. Puppet Design: Aaron Cromie. Dramaturg: Michele Osherow. Assistant Director: Holly Twyford.
My first foray into puppetry, this was one of the the riskiest, hardest, most complicated and most rewarding productions I have ever done. Dramaturg Michele Osherow urged me forward and provided much of the insight. An intensely difficult play, I feel we got at much of the ambiguity and complexity available in it, in highly theatrical ways.
“The director fashions a taut, acidly funny, starkly moving play about public pieties and private appetites.”
– The Washington Post

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